Inspired by the life in Canada — to import quality goods, discover great local products, and create exquisite handcrafts
The Making of WO LIFE INC.
The logo of WO LIFE INC., which bears various character strokes of the Chinese words “(Hong) Kong” and “Canada”, shows that the corporation has its cultural roots in Hong Kong and Canada.
The Founders of WO LIFE INC., Jeff and Joanna, seek to express the enterprising spirits, beliefs in freedom and truth, and passion for excellence – which they thankfully inherited from Hong Kong – in Canada.
和 WO LIFE INC. 的誕生
「和」乃「香」、「加」字的結合,象徵著 和WO LIFE INC. 創辦人懷著對香港的感恩之心,探索多樣的表達方式,將香港的拼搏、求真和至善的精神,在加拿大傳承下去。