
我們的故事 Our Story










要達成這個目標,可以有很多路向,而成立 WO LIFE INC. 是我們其中一個主力項目。公司現有兩個業務 –– J1致力開發與生活有關的WO LIFE產品,J2專注發展以山茶花油為核心的WO CAMELLIA業務。我們以加拿大生活為靈感,進口優質產物,發掘本地特產,以及創作手藝精品。






We are J1 and J2 – born, educated and developed our careers in Hong Kong.  We moved to live in Toronto, Canada in March 2022 to give our daughter a better environment for her childhood.

It is never easy to leave our family and friends in Hong Kong, not to mention the familiarity in which we call home.  But God has guided us in making life-changing decisions.  He gives us hope when we face uncertainties, raises us up when we feel low, and keeps us going when we find ourselves inadequate.  Here we are, still surviving in Canada …

… and beyond!  We are always aware of how blessed we are.  Flowing in our blood are the enterprising spirits, beliefs in freedom and truth, and a passion for excellence – all of which are distinctive marks of Hong Kong.  On the beautiful land of Canada, we decided to explore different ways to express the spirits, beliefs, and passions of Hong Kong.  This is how WO LIFE INC. came into being.

WO LIFE INC. is comprised of two parts.  J1 focuses on developing WO LIFE products for a better life in Canada, while J2 introduces skincare products with Camellia Seed Oil under WO CAMELLIAInspired by the life in Canada, we take on the endeavour to import quality goods, discover great local products, and create exquisite handcrafts.

Through WO LIFE and WO CAMELLIA, we hope to show you how we live in Canada with a creative spirit, an open mind, and a thankful heart.  Seeing into the future, we believe our lives and others’ will be ever more wonderful with what WO LIFE INC. will bring to us and all. 

Come create a rewarding life of your dreams!

J1 & J2
Founders of WO LIFE INC.

Toronto, Canada
October 2022

By Published On: October 18, 2022

And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.

Matthew 28:20

Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

St. Padre Pio

I am the way and the truth and the life.

John 14:6

All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.

St. Francis of Assisi

All things are possible for God.

Mark 10:27

Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.

St. Teresa of Calcutta

King of Mercy, guide my soul.

St. Maria Faustina Kowalska

You are precious in my eyes. I honor you and love you.

Isaiah 43:4

The Cross is the school of love.

St. Maximillian Kolbe

The light of faith makes us see what we believe.

St. Thomas Aquinas

The LORD is my strength and my shield, in whom my heart trusted and found help.

Psalm 28:7

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear.

1 John 4:18

The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.

Psalm: 23:1

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