WO LIFE INC. is a family-operated online business established in Toronto, Canada. We as Founders (Jeff and Joanna) draw inspiration from our lives in Canada, infusing our products with meaningful narratives and artisanal craftsmanship.
As a family originally from Hong Kong and now settled in Toronto, we hold deep respect for our cultural heritage in both Hong Kong and Canada, which is perfectly embodied in our company logo—the Chinese character “和” (harmony).
WO LIFE INC. consists of two parts. Jeff focuses on developing WO LIFE products that contribute to a happier life in Canada, while Joanna introduces skincare products infused with Camellia oil under the brand WO CAMELLIA. Our aim is to create products that embody the essence of nature and simplicity, while combining creativity with practicality. Each product we offer is crafted with utmost care and love, resulting in unique and exquisite qualities.
We take great pride in deriving product ideas from our personal experiences and observations of life in Canada. With quality imports and local resources, we handcraft products that not only bring joy to ourselves but also inspire hope in many others. Our product selection serves as a testament to the beauty and love we experience in our everyday life. As we continue to explore the wonders of Canada and deepen our connections with local communities, our range of products will also evolve and expand over time.
WO LIFE INC. 是一家成立於加拿大多倫多、以家庭式經營的網上商戶。創辦人Jeff和Joanna以香港人在加拿大生活為靈感,自家製作具有生活故事和手工溫度的特色產品。我們的商標以書法字「和」為象徵,融合了「香(港)」和「加(拿大)」的含義。我們希望透過精心製作的優質商品,與人建立聯繫,傳承香港人的精神,並以勇於創新的面貌展現美好的生活。
WO LIFE INC. 目前擁有兩個業務 –– Jeff致力於開發與生活相關的WO LIFE產品,Joanna專注於發展以山茶花潤膚油為核心的WO CAMELLIA業務。我們的產品靈感,來自我們在加拿大的生活;而產品的特色,在於追求自然和簡約,兼具創意和實用性。我們使用優質的材料,有些是從加拿大以外進口的,也有自家製作的手工精品。在產品的製作過程中,我們注入了來自香港的拼搏、求真和追求卓越的精神,並結合了我們的創新意念,每一件產品都充滿了真誠之意!