Jeff is a visually inclined person. While creating the Catholic liturgical calendar, Jeff racked their brain, pondering how to visually express the universal joy of Jesus’ incarnation.
To provide people with a space for contemplation, it was necessary to break from tradition, to offer something visually engaging and interactive. Thus, a vague concept began to take shape. After several months of more than 12 hours a day of repetitive thinking, experimenting, and crafting, this concept evolved into a unique design belonging to us and WO LIFE. We named it ‘Muse in Storyette’.
As the name suggests, ‘Muse in Storyette’ tells stories and conveys profound thoughts through delicate wooden silhouettes. The silhouettes can be freely arranged and repositioned according to personal preference, creating a 3D visual effect that invites deeper contemplation.
Regarding the ‘Christ and I’ series, placing the current calendar within the scene of Jesus’ birth over two thousand years ago creates a sense of temporal overlap, allowing one to gaze upon Christ, meditate on entering the scene, and share in the joy of Christ’s birth and redemption with other biblical figures.
After designing the Nativity scene, we discovered the various possibilities of ‘Muse in Storyette’ enthralled by the design process, Jeff created multiple scenes related to everyday life, hoping to rekindle people’s passion for life in a chaotic world.
就這樣,一個模糊的概念萌芽了。經過多月、每日超過12小時的反覆思考、試驗和製作,這個概念成為了屬於 和 WO LIFE的專屬設計。我們給它起名叫 微影。故思。
微影。故思,顧名思義,是藉著精巧的木製剪影,訴說故事,傳達睿思。 微影。故思 容讓人自由配搭和隨意改動不同剪影的擺放位置,根據個人喜好,製造出3D觀賞效果,足堪玩味。
設計了聖誕場景後,我們發現了 微影。故思 的各樣可能性。於是,醉心於設計的Jeff,製作了多款與生活有關的場景,期望在紛亂的世界中,仍能喚起人們對生活的熱情。